NEA Annual Report


The NEA Annual Report was a project that emphasized on how data can be visualized in an effective manner while still being cohesive with the overall visual language. The National Endowment of the Arts, a group in charge of giving grants to a variety of art-related programs, emphasizes how important it is to support creative services, partners, and activities for the public, such as students, families, and every community.

Since the NEA didn’t completely focus on fine art (such as painting, galleries, and more), finding a visual language for the NEA was a challenge. I eventually decided to use collage, because it emphasized the concept I wanted to convey—the NEA supported all art-related programs, such as music, writing, dancing, and fine art. Taking different parts, such as drawn imagery, photography, and texture, to represent the different programs and NEA’s data developed a visual language that was different in each spread but was still visually cohesive as a whole.


Student Work


  • Print
  • Graphic Typography
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Photoshop