One Take Poetry Artwork


DREAMPLAY TV is a multi-channel, city-oriented visual storytelling network featuring original digital series, films and locally-inspired stories with global appeal. They have several channels, covering a variety of topics such as art & music, heritage & craftsmanship, health & well-being, and many more. Their channel BRAVISSIMA focuses on art and music and features a variety of series including One Take Poetry (where a poet recites and performs their work all in one take) and Move Like This (where a featured artist performs their specialized style of dance).

In collaboration with the directors and his vision, a variety of artistic styles where developed to reflect each episode, after a few rounds of process sketches and review. For One Take Poetry, a minimalist approach was requested while overall conceptual creation was personally developed by me. After multiple viewings of the series’ episodes, a main artwork was developed to reflect an overall, core message of each poem and artist, later expanding to different formats such as Instagram posts and video thumbnails. For Move Like This, a rough vintage style was requested in order to reflect the dreamlike, imaginative sequence of the specific episode.




  • Branding
  • Illustration